Corporate Advisor, Winter Edition


In this issue of Corporate Advisor, we explain 13, financial-reporting, corporate-governance regulatory topics of crucial importance to CFOs and Directors. 

30 June 2022 reporting is the focus. We detail ASIC-focus areas, the lessons from of its financial-reporting surveillance program, and changes to AFSL reporting.

For many for-profit entities, this season sees the end of special-purpose financial statements and the challenges in the preparation of first- time general-purpose financial statements. A task not to be under-estimated.

Also gone is reporting under the reduced-disclosure regime, replaced by simplified disclosure.

Much has been happening of particular relevance to boards – climate change, penalties for non-lodgement of financial reports, cyber security, reforms to AGMs and electronic documents, and a reminder that time is running out for director-identification numbers.

Directors and preparers need to keep these front-of-mind and address them.  The Hall Chadwick QLD team looks forward to working with you on the challenges ahead.

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